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The incredible turnover in Trump's Cabinet in 1 photo

When President Trump delivers his second official State of the Union address he'll be speaking to a very different audience. Democrat Nancy Pelosi, the newly elevated Speaker of the House will be behind him and a new Democratic majority, the most diverse Congress in history, will be before him.

But there will be many new faces even among the President's supporters.

Since his last address, eight of Trump's Cabinet secretaries have either resigned of been sacked.

State of the Union, 2018

State of the Union, 2018
State of the Union, 2018 with callouts
Former cabinet members highlighted
1st row: White House chief of staff John Kelly, DHS Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, Veterans Sec, David Shulkin, Education Secretary Betsey DeVos, Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, Attorney General Jeff Sessions, Secretary of Defense James Mattis, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Steven Breyer, Justice Elena Kagan, Justice Neil Gorsuch, Gen. Joseph Dunford, Gen. David Goldfein

2nd row: US Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley, US Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, EPA Director Scott Pruitt, OMB Director Mick Mulvaney, Energy Secretary Rick Perry, Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao, HUD Secretary Ben Carson, HHS Secretary Alex Azar Labor Secretary Alex Acosta, Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross

What happened to all these people?

Who are the new cabinet members?

Several Cabinet secretaries have switched jobs. Office of Management and Budget director Mick Mulvaney is now also acting chief of staff. Mike Pompeo moved from CIA director to secretary of state. Several of the departed secretaries have not been permanently replaced. Andrew Wheeler has been nominated as Environmental Protection Agency administrator.

William Barr has been nominated as attorney general. He would replace acting AG Matthew Whitaker. Heather Nauert has been nominated to be US ambassador to the United Nations, but that position has been removed from the Cabinet.

Robert Wilkie was confirmed to be veterans affairs secretary. Acting Secretary of the Interior David Berhnardt has been nominated to permanently fill that post as well.

Patrick Shanahan was elevated to be the acting defense secretary since Mattis left the administration. No one has yet been nominated to lead the Pentagon on a more permanent basis.

Trump's Cabinet has undergone more turnover than any other President in recent memory, according to data compiled by Brookings Institution researchers. They tabulate that 65% of his top aides have been replaced at least once.

That's more turnover for Trump in two years than President George W. Bush saw in eight years. It's not much less than Bill Clinton (73%) and Barack Obama (71%) saw in eight years.